Ohai guys!
I just wanted to send out a quick thank you to everyone here on Newgrounds, especially to those who took the time to check out my profile and read my updates. It's you guys that really make me feel like there's a purpose in the things I do. Seriously, thank you.
Newgrounds is an amazing part of my life (which sounds so fucking weird everytime I think about it). This place allowed me to grow and hone my skills. And with all the support and feedback from everyone here (even the bad ones), I was able to keep going. Like I mentioned, Tom, the creator of this site, gave me the tools to keep going. He just gave some random kid on the internet a Wacom Tablet... like seriously, who does that!
As for my rumored death, I really was dead, metaphorically. I've been a full-time adult since the time of my last post, which meant responsibilities and all that shit. Meaning, my dreams had died haha. It's as simple as that.
But after choosing to get back at "indie" game development (I don't know if Flash games is really considered indie haha), it's really making me feel like my life has purpose. So to keep things short, I'm slowly getting back at it (Flash and more).
To help ease back into game development, I've decided to try streaming some of it on Twitch. You can find my GameDev Channel Here. It's super bare right now, but please feel free to join me whenever I get online :) (probably at my time, Pacific Standard Time PST after work).
Until next time! Much luv <3
Glad to see you got your dreams back then!!
Feel good man... :)