[6:40:41 AM] Moosh: ...if the future contains any scientist that study flatulence as a science...it's a future i do not want to be a part of
[6:40:58 AM] Jabbi: You're already too late then.
[6:46:33 AM] Moosh: ...
[6:46:39 AM] Moosh: ...you're joking...right? xD
[6:46:43 AM] Jabbi: Nope.
[6:46:49 AM] Jabbi: I wish I was.
[6:47:24 AM] Jabbi: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/sci/tech/85 5813.stm
God, help us all.
...wow...really? I didn't know that someone actually studied that.... wow...