Dude its fukin anime they would be hot if it was real xD
Stop seeing hentai or ur head will only be thinking in sex(not that thats bad or anything but instead of real girls ull think of hentai which is weird)
I will eat your face.
Age 33, Male
Artist, Programmer
Canada, BC
Joined on 6/12/04
Dude its fukin anime they would be hot if it was real xD
Stop seeing hentai or ur head will only be thinking in sex(not that thats bad or anything but instead of real girls ull think of hentai which is weird)
Lol that's kinda funny since "hen" in Japanese can mean strange or weird haha
but...goku... i dont watch henti i just think these anime girls r hot
Well yea the chicks are hot, but personaly I'v never felt sexual urges towards a cartoon..
Lmao can you guys talk about your sexual urges somewhere else xD
noooooooo pico sim date 3! moosh incourage your self to do harder please please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's alot of "!"s o_o
That could just be the thing I needed to be motivated...lot's of "!"s...(lol jk, that's kinda weird)
School does suck....it's why I haven't been able to even try flash out yet, or get any of the programs....
Well, you have amazing work, and I really hope that your stuff can get done.
Heh thanks :) I also hope too lol
Make it or else we will all track u down n torture u till u make it >:)
Of course...that's the motivation that I'm looking for...an angry mob that wants to torture me until I get some work done -_-
haha goku if u even try to track him down i will kill you in your sleep
>:D (jokes... or am i :P )
i know your joking but this is what a fan girl does *hugs moosh and wont let go*
Ah hah hah...*hugs back and takes the machete from her hands to prevent any unnecessary deaths* xD
hehe <3
Everyone on Newgrounds breaks my heart. First, I find that you, my FAVORITE Pico Sim date person, and probably favorite person on Newgrounds, isn't making a Pico Sim Date 3. Then, I find out that the artist of Ray is changing him from south park style, to fag style. THEN, the person who makes WWE interactvies stop.
STOP THE MADNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are AWESOME Moosh!
Give me a reason to live again! Nothing is going well on newgrounds...atleast I have you, beutiful, beutifil pico sim date 2
*waits for 3*
Hmmm...work to give someone the reason to live again...That's pretty strong motivation right there...
Yo just outa curiosity has anyone tried a more suttle aproach to the motivation like erm I dunno WELL KILL UR PARENTS. or somin like that???
lol just jokin moosh bring it out when you ready.. but please be ready soon (no pressure)
Hehe sorry, I really can't promise anything... *goes to check if parents are okay*
Until Pico Sim Date 3 comes out, I must live on Pico SIm Date 2.
And When You unlock all the clothes and you are big boss and you have all 4 girls as your girlfriends on unlimted mode moosh, it gets old. Mabye I'll go play pico sim date 1?
I'll just spend my days refreshing this page until you give me a sign that pico sim date 3 is out, so i will run to the sim date section, see those words "Pico Sim date 3" and play till my hands ache and my eyes bleed :)
Oh yeah, and please, please,please dont put gross shizzle in your sim date...please!
Or else I CAN'T play it....and I will kill myself if I can't play it :D
omg...please don't do anything rash because of me T_T
Lol there completely diffrent it he says in his post thing that this is a random boredom pic or girls for next sim dat. lol The only one that looks the same is the first one (relating to pico sim dat 2)
You might be onto something...
thanks for the B-Day pressent moosh i love it
*massive hugs without a machete* or however u spell it
oh and people who are trying to give u inspirational motavation like i will die without ur games, i guess they dont know your in HIGH SCHOOL
Hehe well I'm glad you liked it ^_^
*hugs back and kisses* <3
It does feel alittle more comfortable without people talking about dying and hostage situations though lol
It only takes 5 seconds to pop the silver cap in my eye socket.
5 SECONDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lol im just kidin :p
But seriously id be rely kool if made the ending movie(mabye the evil persons would be cassandras crew looking for revenge xD)
You sure got lot of fangirls, eh?
Goddamn you Moosh.
Anyway, if you update Pico simdate 2, will our savefiles be deleted?
if you wont do it for me do it for ur fans
OH YA you bastard put a lil more time in to your work or youll be forgoten..........................T.T
no ofense
plz tell me i dident spell that rong
Hope the pic is another sim date.
heres some motivation....GET UR ASS UP AND MAKE THAT GAME BOYYYY!!!...lol.............. [just kidding] but really plz make it ill be gratefull others will b 2 and ur chicks on pico sim dates r HOT i bet is u make pico sim date 3 itl be really popular!! on the note hope that was motivatopn....bye!
Haha...well knowing you think they're hot is abit of motivation I guss :P